- 1,150 - 1,200 out of 1,740 results
Search results
Oren Parnas
- Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology and Cancer Research - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Zeev Paroush
- Faculty of Medicine, Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Ori Parzanchevski
- Faculty of Science, Einstein Institute of Mathematics - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk
- The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Joseph Patrich
- Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Archaeology - Full Professor - Emeritus
Person: Retired
Sara Pavlov
- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Theatre History - Research Associate - Retired
Person: Retired
Yakir Paz
- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Classical Studies - Senior Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Talmud and Jewish Law - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Eyal Peer
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Federmann School of Public Policy - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Alon Peled
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Yuval Peled
- Faculty of Science, Einstein Institute of Mathematics - Senior Lecturer
- The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Engineering and Computer Science - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Shmuel Peleg
- The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Engineering and Computer Science - Full Professor - Emeritus
Person: Retired
Zvi Peleg
- The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Reuven Perel
- Faculty of Science, Racah Institute of Physics - Senior Research Associate
Person: Researcher
Renana Peres
- The Jerusalem School of Business Administration, BA Business Department - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Neta Peretz
- Faculty of Humanities, Institute for Jewish Studies - Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Researcher
Cheinat Perez
- The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition - Research Associate
Person: Researcher
Chloe Perin
- Faculty of Science, Einstein Institute of Mathematics - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Micha Perles
- Faculty of Science, Einstein Institute of Mathematics - Full Professor - Emeritus
Person: Retired
Baruch Perlman
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology - Research Associate
Person: Researcher
Anat Perry
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Yoni Pertzov
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Liat Peterfreund
- The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Engineering and Computer Science - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Eli Pikarsky
- Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology and Cancer Research - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Tammy Pilowsky
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology - Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Amit Pinchevski
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication and Journalism - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Ophry Pines
- Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC) - Full Professor - Emeritus
Person: Retired
Mark Pinsky
- Faculty of Science, Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences - Principal Research Associate - Retired
Person: Retired
Yariv Pinto
- Faculty of Science, 3D & Functional Printing - Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Researcher
Elie Podeh
- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Efraim Podoksik
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Eran Politzer
Person: Academic
Benjamin Pollock
- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Jewish Thought - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Guy Polturak
- The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Tamara Polubesova
- The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Department of Soil and Water Sciences - Principal Research Associate - Retired
Person: Retired
Roni Porat
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations - Senior Lecturer
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Yuval Porat
- Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences - Senior Research Associate
Person: Researcher
Miriam Poupko
- Faculty of Humanities, Unit for English as Foreign Language - Senior Instructor, Former employee
Person: Academic
Aner Preminger
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication and Journalism - Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct