4QDibHam: Liturgy or Literature?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


4QDibrê Hammĕʼōrôt (4QDibHam) has been regarded as a liturgical document because of content and form. C. asks whether the work was composed for liturgical use. The text appears to be a conscious literary composition in view of the historical progress over the course of the work, its uniform structure, and the linguistic parallels among its component prayers. Its author either wrote the passage as a whole or else thoroughly reworked earlier materials. One may conclude that writers did compose prayers for liturgical use by a community. The text was doubtlessly used at Qumran even though it may not have been composed there. [Abstracted by: John Rybolt.]
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)447-456
JournalRevue de Qumran
StatePublished - Sep 1991


  • Intertestamental, Apocrypha, NT Use: Qumran


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