A dual-purpose ion-accelerator for nuclear-reaction-based explosives-and SNM-detection in Massive Cargo

M. B. Goldberg, V. Dangendorf, D. Vartsky, D. Bar, R. Böttger, M. Brandis, B. Bromberger, G. Feldman, E. Friedman, D. Heflinger, R. Lauck, S. Löb, P. Maier-Komor, I. Mardor, I. Mor, K. H. Speidel, K. Tittelmeier, M. Weierganz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


A concept is presented for a dual-purpose ion-accelerator, capable of serving as radiation source in a versatile, nuclear-reaction-based inspection system for massive-cargo. The system will automatically and reliably detect small, operationally-relevant quantities of concealed explosives and Special Nuclear Materials (SNM). It will be cost-effective, employing largely-common hardware, but different reactions and data acquisition modes. Typical throughput is expected to be 10-20 aviation containers/hr, at the beam intensities specified below. With such an inspection system, explosives are detected via γ-Resonance Absorption (GRA) in 14N using 9.17 MeV γ-rays produced in 13C(p,γ), and SNM via Dual-Discrete-Energy γ-Radiography (DEGR) with 15.11 & 4.43 MeV 12C γ-rays from 11B(d,n). Simultaneously with the scan, 1-17 MeV neutrons from the latter reaction will yield complementary information, both on explosives and on SNM, via Fast-Neutron Resonance Radiography (FNRR). Few-view radiography will be implemented throughout, since spatial reconstruction of threat-object densities reduces false-alarm rates drastically. Nevertheless, if a cargo item does alarm the system on SNM, confirmation of its presence and composition will be effected via a secondary-screening technique, namely, induced-fission decay-signatures, employing the 11B(d,n) neutrons. This should only be required in solitary cases and will thus not impede cargo flow to any appreciable extent. For explosives, the GRA/FNRR combination comprehensively covers the entire spectrum of substances in the arena and no secondary-screening technique should be required. The essence of the accelerator concept is a fixed-energy machine, alternately delivering mass-2 beams of H2 + (3 mA, cw) and deuterons (0.2 mA, pulsed) for GRA and DEGR/FNRR, respectively. It will operate at precisely double the GRA resonance energy of Ep=1.746 MeV (namely, 3.492 MeV) and require beam-energy resolution no better than ∼15 keV (FWTM). This specification was confirmed in a recent measurement, first reported here, of the GRA emission-linewidth obtained with H2+ ions, when driving the resonance into the depth of a moderately-thick 13C target. For most acceleration techniques, such beam-energy resolution requirements are not unduly stringent, which works in favour of the high-current requirement. On deuteron beams there are no energy resolution constraints, as the 11B(d,n) reaction is non-resonant.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators
StatePublished - 2009
EventIAEA International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 4 May 20098 May 2009

Publication series

NameInternational Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators


ConferenceIAEA International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators


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