A non-magnetic Fe probe of multiple magnetic phase transitions in RMn2Si2-xGex, R=rare earth

I. Nowik*, I. Felner, E. R. Bauminger

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Dilute 57Fe Mössbauer-spectroscopy studies of RMn2X2 (X=Si and/or Ge, R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) at 4.2 to 650 K yield the following results: Fe in RMn2X2 does not carry a magnetic moment. It reveals the magnetic order in the Mn and R sublattices through transferred hyperfine fields (∼100 kOe). The compounds LaMn2Si2, LaMn2Ge2, CeMn2Ge2, PrMn2Ge2, NdMn2Ge2 and SmMn2Ge2, known to be ferromagnets with Tc=300-350 K, are antiferromagnetically ordered above their corresponding Tc. Ther TN values extend from 385 K (SmMn2Ge2) to 470 K (LaMn2Si2). At the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition, a sharp reorientation of the Mn magnetic moments relative to the crystalline axes occurs. In RMn2Si2-xGex with intermediate x values, the Ge is much more dominant in determining the magnetic properties of the Mn sublattice. While PrMn2Si2 is an antiferromagnet (TN=365 K) and PrMn2Ge2 is a ferromagnetantiferromagnet (Tc=328 K, TN=415 K), we find that in PrMn2SiGe, the magnetic behaviour is similar to that in pure PrMn2Ge2, Tc=305 K and TN=395 K.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-280
Number of pages6
JournalIl Nuovo Cimento D
Issue number2-3
StatePublished - Feb 1996


  • 01.30.Cc
  • 75.30
  • 75.30.Kz
  • 76.80
  • Conference proceedings
  • Magnetic phase boundaries (including magnetic transitions, metamagnetism etc)
  • Magnetically ordered materials: other intrinsic properties
  • Mössbauer effect
  • other γ-ray spectroscopy


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