A theory for bioinorganic chemical reactivity of oxometal complexes and analogous oxidants: The exchange and orbital-selection rules

Dandamudi Usharani, Deepa Janardanan, Chunsen Li, Sason Shaik*

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149 Scopus citations


Over the past decades metalloenzymes and their synthetic models have emerged as an area of increasing research interest. The metalloenzymes and their synthetic models oxidize organic molecules using oxometal complexes (OMCs), especially oxoiron(IV)-based ones. Theoretical studies have helped researchers to characterize the active species and to resolve mechanistic issues. This activity has generated massive amounts of data on the relationship between the reactivity of OMCs and the transition metal's identity, oxidation state, ligand sphere, and spin state. Theoretical studies have also produced information on transition state (TS) structures, reaction intermediates, barriers, and rate-equilibrium relationships. For example, the experimental-theoretical interplay has revealed that nonheme enzymes carry out H-abstraction from strong C-H bonds using high-spin (S = 2) oxoiron(IV) species with four unpaired electrons on the iron center. However, other reagents with higher spin states and more unpaired electrons on the metal are not as reactive. Still other reagents carry out these transformations using lower spin states with fewer unpaired electrons on the metal. The TS structures for these reactions exhibit structural selectivity depending on the reactive spin states. The barriers and thermodynamic driving forces of the reactions also depend on the spin state. H-Abstraction is preferred over the thermodynamically more favorable concerted insertion into C-H bonds. Currently, there is no unified theoretical framework that explains the totality of these fascinating trends.This Account aims to unify this rich chemistry and understand the role of unpaired electrons on chemical reactivity. We show that during an oxidative step the d-orbital block of the transition metal is enriched by one electron through proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET). That single electron elicits variable exchange interactions on the metal, which in turn depend critically on the number of unpaired electrons on the metal center. Thus, we introduce the exchange-enhanced reactivity (EER) principle, which predicts the preferred spin state during oxidation reactions, the dependence of the barrier on the number of unpaired electrons in the TS, and the dependence of the deformation energy of the reactants on the spin state. We complement EER with orbital-selection rules, which predict the structure of the preferred TS and provide a handy theory of bioinorganic oxidative reactions. These rules show how EER provides a Hund's Rule for chemical reactivity: EER controls the reactivity landscape for a great variety of transition-metal complexes and substrates. Among many reactivity patterns explained, EER rationalizes the abundance of high-spin oxoiron(IV) complexes in enzymes that carry out bond activation of the strongest bonds. The concepts used in this Account might also be applicable in other areas such as in f-block chemistry and excited-state reactivity of 4d and 5d OMCs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)471-482
Number of pages12
JournalAccounts of Chemical Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 19 Feb 2013


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