A worldwide survey of tomato yellow leaf curl viruses

H. Czosnek*, H. Laterrot

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The name tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) has been given to several whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses affecting tomato cultures in many tropical and subtropical regions. Hybridization tests with two DNA probes derived from a cloned isolate of TYLCV from Israel (TYLCV-ISR) were used to assess the affinities of viruses in naturally infected tomato plants with yellow leaf curl or leaf curl symptoms from 25 countries. Probe A which included most of the intergenic region was expected to detect only isolates closely related to TYLCV-ISR, especially after high stringency washes. In contrast probe B, which included the full-length genome, was expected to detect a wide range of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. Tomato samples from six countries in the Middle East, from Cuba or the Dominican Republic proved to be closely related to TYLCV-ISR and probably were infected by strains of the same virus. Samples from Senegal and Cape Verde Islands were also related to the Middle Eastern virus. Samples from nine other countries in the western Mediterranean area, Africa, or South-East Asia were more distantly related and probably represent one or more additional geminivirus species. Samples from five countries in Africa, Central or South America gave hybridization signals with the full-length viral genome, only after low stringency wash, indicating that these samples were infected by remote viruses. These results were supported by DNA and protein sequence comparison, which indicate that tomato geminiviruses fall into three main clusters representing viruses from 1) the Mediterranean/Middle East/African region, 2) India, the Far East and Australia, and 3) the Americas. Within the first cluster, two sub-clusters of viruses from the western Mediterranean or from the Middle East/Caribbean Islands were distinguished. The incidence of tomato yellow leaf curl diseases has increased considerably between 1990 and 1996.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1391-1406
Number of pages16
JournalArchives of Virology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1997


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