Advances in optimization of food dehydration with respect to quality retention.

M. Karel, I. Saguy, A. M. Mishkin

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Feasibility of optimization of dehydration processes with respect to quality factors such as nutrient content, and organoleptic quality has been demonstrated for several cases typical of food dehydration. For the case of air dehydration of potatoes, a simulation optimization procedure based on the complex method was used to find the optimal dryer temperature control for minimizing vitamin C loss for a given drying time. Optimal dryer temperature control was also determined for minimizing drying time given a specified extent of vitamin loss. The procedures used kinetic models of ascorbic acid degradation and of heat and mass transfer during drying of the potatoes. Optimization of ascorbic acid retention in potato drying was also undertaken for the case in which the extent of non enzymatic browning is specified, and serves as a constraint. In another case, optimal stage duration and temperature control in a multi stage dryer were found for minimizing ascorbic acid loss using a literative derived kinetic model. In addition, enzyme (catalase) inactivation was considered in the staged process, and the process was controlled so that catalase activity was reduced below a specified level while minimizing ascorbic acid loss. (A)

Original languageEnglish
Volume1 , R. Toei; A.S. Mujumdar (eds.), Tokyo, Japan Japan Soc. Chem. Engrs., 1984, Session D, Paper D4, p.
StatePublished - 1984


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