Amino Acid Substitutions in the D1 Protein of Photosystem II Affect Qb” Stabilization and Accelerate Turnover of D1

Nir Ohad, Dekel Amir-Shapira, Hiroyuki Koikc, Yorinao Inoue, Itzhak Ohad, Joseph Hirschberg

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37 Scopus citations


Isogenic strains of Synechococcus PCC 7942 were genetically engineered so that copy I of the gene psbA was mutated at specific sites. These mutations resulted in replacements of Ser 264 by Gly or Ala and of Phe 255 by Tyr or Leu in the D 1 protein. The mutants were resistant to herbicides inhibiting electron transfer in photosystem II. All mutants exhibited alterations in the stability of QB” as demonstrated by a temperature downshift, to various extents, of the in vivo thermoluminescence emission. Measurements of the light-dependent turnover of D 1 showed a marked decrease in the 11/2 of this protein in the mutants as compared to wild-type, under low to medium light intensities. A correlation was found between the degree of perturbation in the QB~ stability and the rate of acceleration in the turnover of D 1. These data provide a direct evidence for the overlapping binding sites for the plastoquinone B and herbicides in the D 1 protein. In addition these data indicate a close link between QB“ destabilization in reaction center II and the mechanism controlling the light-dependent turnover of D 1. Based on these results and previous work we suggest that destabilization of the semireduced quinone, facilitates a light-induced damage in D 1 which triggers its degradation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)402-407
Number of pages6
JournalZeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1990


  • D 1 Turnover
  • Herbicide Resistance
  • Synechococcus PCC7942
  • Thermoluminescence


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