An open trial of plant-source derived phosphatydilserine for treatment of age-related cognitive decline

Shaul Schriber, Orli Kampf-Sherf, Malka Gorfine, Dalia Kelly, Yaara Oppenheimer-Shaanan, Bernard Lerer

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28 Scopus citations


We assessed whether the efficacy of plant-source derived phosphatydilserine (one of the phospholipids which play an important functional role in membrane-related processes in the brain) for treatment of age related cognitive decline is consistent with previous (placebo controlled) positive findings with bovine derivative of PS (BC-PS). Eighteen healthy elderly volunteers meeting Age Associated Memory Impairment inclusion and exclusion criteria were treated for 12 weeks with plant-source derived phosphatydilserine (PS) (100 mg x 3/day p.o.) and evaluated at base line, after 6 weeks of treatment and at the end of the trial. Fifteen concluded the study. All but two outcome measures elicited a significant drug over time effect. Post-hoc paired t-tests showed that the significant effect was attributable to an improvement from base line to week 6 and that effect was maintained at week 12. These results are encouraging. However, they await double-blind controlled verification in a large sample before suggesting that this may be a viable approach to the treatment of age-related cognitive decline, without exposing the patients to possible hazards involved in the treatment with bovine derivative of PS (BC-PS).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)302-307
Number of pages6
JournalIsrael Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2000


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