Apparatus for directing an optical signal from an input fiber to an output fiber within a high index host

Nagesh R Basavanhally (Inventor), Dan M Marom (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention includes an apparatus for receiving an optical signal from an optical input means and directing the optical signal to one of a plurality of optical outputs means. The apparatus includes a solid signal propagating material having a refractive index greater than the refractive index of air. The solid signal propagating material includes a first transparent surface optically cooperating with the optical input and output means, a second transparent surface optically cooperating with a first light directing mechanism, and a reflective surface optically cooperating with the first light directing mechanism. A first reflecting component of the light directing mechanism directs a received optical signal to a second reflecting component of the light directing mechanism via the reflective surface of the signal propagating material. The second reflecting component of the light directing mechanism directs the respective incident optical signal to the selected one of the plurality of optical outputs means.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2007077002
IPCG02B 6/ 26 A I
Priority date30/09/05
StatePublished - 5 Apr 2007


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