Apparatus for modulating one or both of spectral phase and amplitude of an optical signal

Christophe J Dorrer (Inventor), Dan M Marom (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention includes a method and apparatus for modulating one or both of spectral phase and amplitude of a received optical signal. The apparatus includes a spatial dispersion mechanism for spatially dispersing the received optical signal to enable optical communication of the received optical signal to an array of modulators. The apparatus includes a modulating mechanism having a first modulating component and a second modulating component. A first portion of the spatially dispersed optical signal is incident on the first modulating component and a second portion of the spatially dispersed optical signal is incident on the second modulating portion. The apparatus further includes a controller coupled to the modulating mechanism. The controller is adapted for moving the first and second modulating components in a direction normal to their planes for modulating one or both of phase and amplitude of the received optical signal.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2007081223
IPCG02B 26/ 00 A I
Priority date7/10/05
StatePublished - 12 Apr 2007


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