Application of copper slag in geomagnetic archaeointensity research

E. Ben-Yosef*, Hagai Ron, L. Tauxe, Amotz Agnon, Agnes Genevey, T. E. Levy, Uzi Avner, M. Najjar

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65 Scopus citations


Paleointensity and archaeointensity studies since the 1950s have produced numerous geomagnetic intensity data for the last seven millennia. As a consequence of different experiments and materials, there is a complex and internally inconsistent picture of the geomagnetic field behavior. In this study we present data using a recently developed experimental design on a heretofore unexploited recording medium: copper slag deposits. Our results, based on hundreds of specimens from various archaeometallurgical sites of the Southern Levant, demonstrate the applicability of copper slag material for archaeointensity studies. In addition to frequently exhibiting good experimental behavior, slag has further advantages such as dense multilayer deposits and in cases embedded charcoals, which open the door to data sets with excellent age control and resolution. The data presented here augment the high quality database from the Middle East and support previously observed periods of rapid change of the intensity of the geomagnetic field.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberB08101
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Issue number8
StatePublished - 4 Aug 2008


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