Autoimmunotherapy of Type II diabetes with soluble low-molecular-mass antigens: A case report

Michael Ginzburg, Alexandr Vol, Patricia Smirnoff, Bella Sandler, Itshak Zusman*

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3 Scopus citations


Aims: To study whether autoimmunization of patients suffering from non-insulin-dependent Type II diabetes with soluble low-molecular-mass antigens (LMA) isolated from their serum will activate the immune system and improve clinical status. Materials and methods: From March 1998 to July 2000, the patient was treated, under observation, with LMA isolated from that same patient. Doses for injections varied between 2 and 5 mg of LMA. Injections were performed at weekly or monthly intervals. Biochemical studies were performed before injections and 1 to 2 weeks after them. The following biochemical parameters were determined in the blood: levels of glucose, insulin-competitive auto-antibodies (ICAA), a-glutamine acid decarboxylase (GAD), total concentration of LMA and of the 66 kDa and 51 kDa proteins as main representatives of the LMA isolated. Results: The patient suffered from high blood glucose levels (BGL), ICAA, GAD, hemoglobin Alc and, especially, of LMA and their proteins. Short-arm immunotherapy did not improve the parameters studied. However, a regular monthly injection of LMA at a dose of 3.5 to 4 mg significantly decreased BGL and reduced the concentrations of LMA and their proteins. The whole clinical status of the patient improved and became more stable. Conclusion: We suggest that vaccination of a diabetic patient with LMA activates the host immune system, thereby preventing progress of the disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-72
Number of pages2
JournalIn Vivo
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002


  • Diabetes
  • Low-molecular-mass antigens
  • Therapy


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