Beyond physical sensations: investigating empathy and prosocial behavior in vicarious pain responders

Yoad Ben Adiva*, Shir Genzer, Anat Perry

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Empathy, the capacity to share others’ emotional experiences, has been proposed as a key motivation for altruistic behavior in both humans and animals. Sharing another’s emotional experience may generate a self-embodied simulation of their emotional state, fostering understanding and promoting prosocial behavior. Vicarious pain responders report sensing physical pain when observing others in pain. Whether this ability extends to emotional experiences remains unexplored. Using both questionnaires and ecologically valid behavioral tasks, we explored whether vicarious pain responders differ from nonresponders in empathic abilities and prosocial behavior. Participants watched video clips of people describing a negative emotional life event. We operationalized several empathic abilities and responses (empathic accuracy, affective synchrony, emotional reaction, and empathic motivation) based on participants’ and targets’ responses during and after watching the videos. Participants were also engaged in a donation task measuring tendency for prosocial behavior. Findings reveal that compared to nonresponders, vicarious pain responders exhibit enhanced empathic accuracy, intensified emotional reactions to others’ emotional pain, and a greater motivation to communicate with the target. This study marks the first behavioral evidence showcasing vicarious pain responders’ empathic abilities, reactions, and motivation in response to nonphysical pain of others, expanding our knowledge of this phenomenon and its association with broader empathic abilities.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbernsae039
JournalSocial Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.


  • emotional reaction
  • empathic accuracy
  • empathic motivation
  • vicarious pain


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