Bioinformatics and data knowledge: The new frontiers for nutrition and foods

Frank Desiere*, Bruce German, Heribert Watzke, Andrea Pfeifer, Sam Saguy

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35 Scopus citations


The recent publication of the Human Genome poses the question: how will genome technologies influence food development? Food products will be very different within the decade with considerable new values added as a result of the biological and chemical data that bioinformatics is rapidly converting to usable knowledge. Bioinformatics will provide details of the molecular basis of human health. The immediate benefits of this information will be to extend our understanding of the role of food in the health and well-being of consumers. In the future, bioinformatics will impact foods at a more profound level, defining the physical, structural and biological properties of food commodities leading to new crops, processes and foods with greater quality in all aspects. Bioinformatics will improve the toxicological assessment of foods making them even safer. Eventually, bioinformatics will extend the already existing trend of personalized choice in the food marketplace to enable consumers to match their food product choices with their own personal health. To build this new knowledge and to take full advantage of these tools there is a need for a paradigm shift in assessing, collecting and sharing databases, in developing new integrative models of biological structure and function, in standardized experimental methods, in data integration and storage, and in analytical and visualization tools.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-229
Number of pages15
JournalTrends in Food Science and Technology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2001


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