Bonding with parallel spins: High-spin clusters of monovalent metal atoms

David Danovich, Sason Shaik*

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20 Scopus citations


Bonding is a glue of chemical matter and is also a useful concept for designing new molecules. Despite the fact that electron pairing remains the bonding mechanism in the great majority of molecules, in the past few decades scientists have had a growing interest in discovering novel bonding motifs. As this Account shows, monovalent metallic atoms having exclusively parallel spins, such as 11Li10, 11Au10, and 11Cu10, can nevertheless form strongly bound clusters, without having even one traditional bond due to electron pairing. These clusters, which also can be made chiral, have high magnetic moments. We refer to this type as no-pair ferromagnetic (NPFM) bonding, which characterizes the n+1Mn clusters, which were all predicted by theoretical computations. The small NPFM alkali clusters that have been " synthesized" to date, using cold-atom techniques, support the computational predictions.In this Account, we describe the origins of NPFM bonding using a valence bond (VB) analysis, which shows that this bonding motif arises from bound triplet electron pairs that spread over all the close neighbors of a given atom in the cluster. The bound triplet pair owes its stabilization to the resonance energy provided by the mixing of the local ionic configurations, [3M(↑↑)-]M+ and M+[ 3M(↑↑)-], and the various excited covalent configurations (involving pz and dz2 atomic orbitals) into the repulsive covalent structure 3(M↑↑M) with the s 1s1 electronic configuration. The NPFM bond of the bound triplet is described by a resonating wave function with "in-out" and "out-in" pointing hybrids. The VB model accounts for the tendency of NPFM clusters to assume polyhedral shapes with rather high symmetry. In addition, this model explains the very steep rise of the bonding energy per atom (De/n), which starts out small in the 3M2 dimer (<1 kcal/mol) and reaches 12-19 kcal/mol for clusters with 10 atoms. The model further predicts that usage of heteroatomic clusters should increase the bonding energy of an NPFM cluster.These NPFM clusters are excited state species. We suggest here stabilizing these states and making them accessible, for example, by using magnetic fields, or a combination of magnetic and electric fields. The advent of NPFM clusters offers new horizons in chemistry and enriches the scope of chemical bonding. These prospects form a strong incentive to investigate the origins of the bound triplet pairs and further chart the territory of NPFM clusters, for example, in clusters of Be, Mg, or Zn, possibly in clusters of their monosubstituted species, and the group III metalloids, such as B, Al, as well as in transition metals such as Sc.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-426
Number of pages10
JournalAccounts of Chemical Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 18 Feb 2014


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