Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: inheritance of salt tolerance and related traits in interspecific populations

Y. Saranga*, A. Cahaner, D. Zamir, A. Marani, J. Rudich

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49 Scopus citations


Interspecific segregating populations derived from a cross between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv 'M82-1 -8' (M82) and the wild species L. pennellii accession LA-716 (Lpen716) were used to study the genetic basis of salt tolerance and its implications for breeding. BC1 (M82 x (M82 x Lpen716)) and BC1 S1 (progenies of selfed BC1 plants) populations were grown under arid field conditions and irrigated with water having electrical conductivities of 1.5 (control), 10 and 20 dSm-1. The evaluation of salt tolerance was based on total fruit yield (TY), total dry matter (TD) and TD under salinity relative to the control (RD). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were measured in the leaves and stems. The methods for estimating heritability were adapted to BC1 plants and BC1S1 families. TY, TD and RD had heritability estimates of 0.3-0.45, indicating that salt tolerance can be improved by selection. Genetic correlations between traits indicated that high yield may be combined with salt tolerance and that ion contents are not likely to provide an efficient selection criteria for salt tolerance. Genetic correlations between performances under various salinity levels suggested that similar mechanisms affect the responses to salinity treatments of 10 and 20 dSm-1. Responses to "paper" selection confirmed that salt tolerance of the tomato may be improved by selection, and that this selection should be based on dry matter and yield parameters under salinity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)390-396
Number of pages7
JournalTheoretical And Applied Genetics
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Jul 1992


  • Genetic correlation
  • Heritability
  • L. pennellii
  • Lycopersicon esculentum
  • Salt tolerance
  • Selection


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