Caged black holes: Black holes in compactified spacetimes. I. Theory

Barak Kol*, Evgeny Sorkin, Tsvi Piran

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71 Scopus citations


In backgrounds with compact dimensions there may exist several phases of black objects including a black hole and a black string. The phase transition between them raises questions and touches on fundamental issues such as topology change, uniqueness, and cosmic censorship. No analytic solution is known for the black hole, and moreover one can expect approximate solutions only for very small black holes, while phase transition physics happens when the black hole is large. Hence we turn to numerical solutions. Here some theoretical background to the numerical analysis is given, while the results will appear in a subsequent paper. The goals for a numerical analysis are set. The scalar charge and tension along the compact dimension are defined and used as improved order parameters which put both the black hole and the black string at finite values on the phase diagram. The predictions for small black holes are presented. The differential and the integrated forms of the first law are derived, and the latter (Smarr’s formula) can be used to estimate the “overall numerical error.” Field asymptotics and expressions for physical quantities in terms of the numerical values are supplied. The techniques include the “method of equivalent charges”, free energy, dimensional reduction, and analytic perturbation for small black holes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12
Number of pages1
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2004


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