Can global positioning systems quantify participation in cerebral palsy

Hilla Ben-Pazi*, Yair Barzilay, Noam Shoval

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4 Scopus citations


This study examined whether motor-related participation could be assessed by global positioning systems in individuals with cerebral palsy. Global positioning systems monitoring devices were given to 2 adolescent girls (14-year-old with diplegic cerebral palsy and her 15-year-old healthy sister). Outcome measures were traveling distances, time spent outdoors, and Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment questionnaires. Global positioning systems documented that the girl with cerebral palsy did not visit nearby friends, spent less time outdoors and traveled shorter distances than her sister (P = .02). Participation questionnaire corroborated that the girl with cerebral palsy performed most activities at home alone. Lower outdoor activity of the girl with cerebral palsy measured by a global positioning system was 29% to 53% of that of her sibling similar to participation questionnaires (44%). Global positioning devices objectively documented low outdoor activity in an adolescent with cerebral palsy compared to her sibling reflecting participation reported by validated questionnaires. Global positioning systems can potentially quantify certain aspects of participation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)823-825
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Child Neurology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2014


  • Cerebral palsy
  • Global positioning system
  • Motor activity
  • Quality of life


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