Capillary suction theory for rectangular cells

F. M. Tiller, Y. L. Shen, A. Adin

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20 Scopus citations


A new model of the capillary suction apparatus with a rectangular reservoir is presented. Parallel flow paths emanating from the reservoir lead to one-dimensional Cartesian coordinate geometry. The filter paper is cut in rectangular sheets parallel to the grain to avoid the anisotropic effects inherently present in capillary suction procedures which depend on radial flow. Development of a mathematical model relating distance travelled by the liquid front to time permits calculation of the average specific resistance. The conventional filtration formula for the cake formed in the reservoir combined with the Darcy equation as applied to the paper yields a differential equation involving the rate of advance (dχ/dτ) of the front and the distance (χ) travelled by the front. Integration leads to a parabolic relation between χ and τ. Linear plots are used to obtain the average specific resistance. Res. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 62, 130 (1990).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)130-136
Number of pages7
JournalResearch Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1990


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