Cavities in the compact bone in tetrapods and fish and their effect on mechanical properties

John D. Currey*, Ron Shahar

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


Bone includes cavities in various length scales, from nanoporosities occurring between the collagen fibrils and the mineral crystals all the way to macrocavities like the medullary cavity. In particular, bone is permeated by a vast number of channels (the lacunar-canalicular system), that reduce the stiffness and, more importantly, the strength of the bone that they permeate. These consequences are presumably a price worth paying for the ability of the lacunar-canalicular system to detect changes in the strain environment within the bone material and, when deleterious, to trigger processes like modeling or remodeling which 'rectify' it. Here we review the size and density of the various types of cavities in bone, and discuss their effect on the mechanical properties of cortical bone. In this respect the bones of advanced teleost fish species (probably the majority of all vertebrate species) are an unsolved conundrum because they lack bone cells (and therefore lacunae and canaliculi) in their skeleton. Yet, despite being acellular, some of these fish can undergo considerable remodeling in at least some parts of their skeleton. We address, but do not solve this mystery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-122
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Structural Biology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 2013


  • Bone
  • Cavities
  • Mechanics
  • Remodeling
  • Teleosts
  • Tooth


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