Cell-specific expression of immunoreactive cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome p-450 during follicular development in the rat ovary

Tamar Zlotkin, Yigal Farkash, Joseph Orly*

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98 Scopus citations


Using a specific antiserum against rat cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P-450 (P-450scc), we examined the expression of this key steroidogenic enzyme during follicular development in PMSG-treated immature rats. The accumulation of the enzyme was monitored in ovary homogenates by quantitative immunodot blot assay, while expression of P-450scc in various cell types was visualized concomitantly by immunofluorescent staining of ovarian cryosections. Before PMSG treatment, no labeling of P-450scc could be observed in follicular granulosa cells. In contrast, steroidogenic cytochrome was markedly expressed in interstitial cells, part of theca interna cells, and hypertrophied theca of atretic follicles. As a result of PMSG treatment, the interstitial thecal cells promptly enriched their P-450scc content within 24 h, whereas the granulosa cells acquired the enzyme at a later time, between 30 and 48 h after hormone administration. After ovulation, many corpora lutea filled most of the ovarian volume, and the ovarian content of P-450scc was 47 times higher than that in control ovaries of untreated rats. In granulosa cell population of a single preovu-latory follicle, a downward gradient of P-450scc expression was observed, starting high in the cells abutting the basal lamina and decreasing toward the cells lining the antrum. Cumulus cells failed to express P-450scc. Referring to the basal lamina, theca interna cells exhibited a reverse gradient of P-450scc expression, starting high in peripheral cells close to the theca externa layer and decreasing in cells located near the follicular basement membrane. Immunofluorescent labeling revealed a major difference between P-450scc expression in thecal cells compared to that in granulosa cells. While expression of P-450scc in granulosa cells was restricted exclusively to cells within preovulatory follicles, P-450scc labeling was observed throughout the ovary in thecal and interstitial cells associated with follicles at any phase of follicular maturation. Therefore, it may be proposed that the thecal and interstitial cells represent an all ovarian network which expresses its steroidogenic capacity at early stages of follicular maturation and thereby is able to supply androgens necessary for the follicular development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2809-2820
Number of pages12
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 1986


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