Characteristics of automobile accidents at Israel Police National Headquarters

P. E. Slater, E. D. Richter, L. Lewis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We studied the occurrence and distribution of automobile accidents at Israel Police National Headquarters (NHQ) in Jerusalem for the period 1981-84. NHQ accident and accident-with-injury rates were 14.0/106 km and 1.1/106 km, respectively, for passenger cars and 9.6/106 km and 0.8/106 km, respectively, for all other vehicles. These rates were substantially lower than those reported for other Israel Police districts. In general, NHQ accident patterns followed those of the civilian population: a greater proportion of accidents were accompanied by physical injury when the vehicle was a bus or a truck, when the accident occurred at night or on a intercity road, and when the driver was male, a professional driver and of low police rank. Although accident-with-injury rates in this population were not high in relation to other police drivers, additional safety measures should be instituted to reduce these rates even further.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)144-148
Number of pages5
JournalTravel Medicine International
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1985
Externally publishedYes


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