Characterization of adventitious root development in sweetpotato

Arthur Q. Villordon, Don R. La Bonte, Nurit Firon, Yanir Kfir, Etan Pressman, Amnon Schwartz

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76 Scopus citations


Adventitious roots of 'Beauregard' and 'Georgia Jet' sweetpotato were observed and anatomically characterized over a period of 60 days of storage root development. The majority of 'Beauregard' and 'Georgia Jet' adventitious roots sampled at 5 to 7 days after transplanting (DAT) possessed anatomical features (five or more protoxylem elements) associated with storage root development. The majority of 'Beauregard' (86%) and 'Georgia Jet' (89%) storage roots sampled at 60 to 65 DAT were traced directly to adventitious roots extant at 5 to 7 DAT. The two varieties, however, differed in the timing in which regular and anomalous cambia were formed. Regular vascular cambium development, i.e., initiation and completion, was observed in both varieties at 19 to 21 DAT. Formation of complete regular vascular cambium was negligible for 'Beauregard' (4%) in comparison with 'Georgia Jet' (32%) at 26 to 28 DAT. However, anomalous cambia development adjacent to xylem elements was greater in 'Beauregard' (30%) in comparison with 'Georgia Jet' (13%). Nearly 40% to 50% of samples in both varieties showed extensive lignification in the stele region. At 32 to 35 DAT, 62% to 70% of the adventitious roots for both varieties had either been initiated (developed anomalous cambium) or were lignified. The remaining adventitious roots showed intermediate stages of vascular cambium development. The adventitious root count increased up to 19 to 21 DAT and then remained constant up to 32 to 35 DAT. These accumulated results suggest that the initial stages of adventitious root development are critical in determining storage root set in sweetpotato.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)651-655
Number of pages5
JournalHortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2009


  • Ipomoea batatas
  • Storage root anatomy
  • Storage root development


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