Cloning, sequencing and expression of two isoforms of the murine oct-1 transcription factor

Joseph Jaffe, Malka Hochberg, Joseph Riss, Tal Hasin, Lea Reich, Reuven Laskov*

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13 Scopus citations


Oct-1 is a ubiquitously expressed regulatory gene of the POU domain family. The Oct-1 protein binds to the octamer motif present in the control regions of a variety of genes such as the immunoglobulins, histone H2B and snRNAs. To learn about Oct-1 and its possible role in B-cell maturation, we have used oct-2 cDNA to screen a murine pre-B cell, cDNA library. Two cDNA clones were identical in their POU-homeo box DNA binding domain, but differed in their 3′-region. Whereas one clone (oct-1a) was very similar to its human oct-1 homologue, the other (oct-1b), contained an additional 72 bp sequence (designated E1) at the serine threonine rich coding region (position 1485 of the human oct-1), and a deletion of another 72 bp sequence (designated E2) downstream (position 1920). These changes preserve the protein reading frame. DNA blot analysis indicates that murine oct-1 is a single copy gene and that the two oct-1 isoforms are generated by alternative RNA splicing. RNA blots showed that oct-1 is expressed as a large ≈ 10 kb transcript in all the cell lines tested. PCR analysis of the E1 and E2 72 bp regions, indicated the presence of a third isoform containing both E1 and E2 (Oct-1c). Oct-1a and Oct-1b were present in all cell types examined, but the level of expression was lower in liver and spleen as compared to testis, thymus and kidney. The ratio of Oct-1b to Oct-1a ranged between 0.2 to 0.5, for all tissues examined except for testis which expressed higher amounts of oct-1b and/or oct-1c. Our findings thus show that the pattern of expression of the oct-1 gene is more complex than hitherto thought.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)201-209
Number of pages9
JournalBiochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure and Expression
Issue number2
StatePublished - 4 Apr 1995


  • (Murine)
  • cDNA
  • oct-1
  • Transcription factor


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