Comparative study on hydrolases in five species of Ochromonas (Chrysomonadina)

M. Lasman*, D. Kahan

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2 Scopus citations


Acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase were shown to be present in five species of Ochromonas grown in organic media (O. danica, O. malhamensis, O. minuta, O. sociabilis and Ochromonas sp. 933/4). Acid phosphatase was found to have a pH optimum at 4.0 in O. danica, and at 5.1 in the four other species. No alkaline phosphatase was found in any of the above mentioned species. β-glucosidase in the species studied has a pH optimum at 4.6 Low α-glucosidase activity was found only in O. danica. Acid phosphatase in all the five species shows an increase in activity during the logarithmic phase of growth and a decrease during the early stationary phase. β-glucosidase shows a similar behavior only in O. danica.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-188
Number of pages4
JournalArchives of Microbiology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1975


  • Chrysomonadina
  • Glucosidase
  • Growth Cycle
  • Ochromonas
  • pH
  • Phosphatase


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