Comparing effects of bovine Streptococcus and Escherichia coli mastitis on impaired reproductive performance

Y. Lavon*, G. Leitner, Y. Kressel, E. Ezra, D. Wolfenson

*Corresponding author for this work

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19 Scopus citations


In 2 epidemiological studies, we evaluated the effect of mastitis induced by gram-positive Streptococcus and gram-negative Escherichia coli on impaired reproductive performance in lactating Holstein cows. In the first study, 52,202 cows from 178 dairy farms throughout Israel were divided into groups based on infection before first artificial insemination (AI) with Streptococcus or E. coli, 3 groups with elevated somatic cell count (SCC) without infection by those pathogens [low SCC (200–400) × 103 cell/mL; medium SCC (401–1,000) × 103 cell/mL; high SCC, >1,000 × 103 cell/mL], and uninfected controls. Pregnancy per first AI (P/1stAI) and pregnancy rate at 300 d in milk (PREG 300) were analyzed by the GLIMMIX procedure (SAS); number of AI per pregnancy (AI/P), days open, and rest days (calving to first AI) were analyzed by the MIXED procedure (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Values of P/1stAI were similarly low for Streptococcus and E. coli (27–28%) versus 42% in controls; PREG 300 was lower for Streptococcus (76%) than for E. coli (79%) versus 88% for uninfected controls and a mean 83% for the elevated SCC groups. Days open and number of AI/P were higher than in controls and similar in Streptococcus and E. coli groups. The second study included 778 cows on 6 dairy farms; the cows were infected before first AI by Streptococcus or E. coli or uninfected. Resumption of cyclicity was determined by an automated activity-monitoring system, and data were sorted by time of infection before or after cyclicity resumed. The Streptococcus group had lower P/1stAI before and after cyclicity (26 and 27%, respectively) than the E. coli group (31 and 34%, respectively) and uninfected controls (42%). Notably, PREG 300 in the Streptococcus group before (73%) and after (67%) cyclicity was much lower than for the E. coli group (85 and 93%, respectively) and the controls (95%). A marked rise in day of cyclicity resumption (∼80 d) was observed in cows that were infected early on. Number of AI/P was higher in the mastitic groups than in uninfected controls. Uterine disease postpartum, although more prevalent among Streptococcus cows, did not substantially alter the larger reduction in P/1stAI and PREG 300 in Streptococcus versus E. coli cows. Thus, long-term Streptococcus-induced mastitis disrupted fertility more than short-term acute E. coli–induced mastitis, resulting in a much higher percentage of Streptococcus cows in late lactation that did not conceive due to reproduction failure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10587-10598
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Dairy Science
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 American Dairy Science Association


  • fertility
  • mastitis
  • pathogen-specific
  • reproduction


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