Compositional disorder and transport peculiarities in the amorphous indium oxides

U. Givan*, Z. Ovadyahu

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33 Scopus citations


We present results of the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition (MIT) in three-dimensional amorphous indium-oxide films. The amorphous version studied here differs from the one reported by Shahar and Ovadyahu in that it has a much lower carrier concentration. As a measure of the static disorder we use the dimensionless parameter k F. Thermal annealing is employed as the experimental handle to tune the disorder. On the metallic side of the transition, the low temperature transport exhibits weak-localization and electron-electron correlation effects characteristic of disordered electronic systems. These include a fractional power-law conductivity versus temperature behavior anticipated to occur at the critical regime of the transition. The MIT occurs at a k F ∼0.3 for both versions of the amorphous material. However, in contrast with the results obtained on the electron-rich version of this system, no sign of superconductivity is seen down to ∼0.3 K even for the most metallic sample used in the current study. This demonstrates that using k F as a disorder parameter for the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is an ill defined procedure. A microstructural study of the films, employing high resolution chemical analysis, gives evidence for spatial fluctuations of the stoichiometry. This brings to light that, while the films are amorphous and show excellent uniformity in transport measurements of macroscopic samples, they contain compositional fluctuations that extend over mesoscopic scales. These, in turn, reflect prominent variations of carrier concentrations thus introducing an unusual type of disorder. It is argued that this compositional disorder may be the reason for the apparent violation of the Ioffe-Regel criterion in the two versions of the amorphous indium oxide. However, more dramatic effects due to this disorder are expected when superconductivity sets in, which are in fact consistent with the prominent transport anomalies observed in the electron-rich version of indium oxide. The relevance of compositional disorder (or other agents that are effective in spatially modulating the BCS potential) to other systems near their SIT is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number165101
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number16
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2012


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