Correlation between Ferromagnetic Layer Easy Axis and the Tilt Angle of Self Assembled Chiral Molecules

Nir Sukenik, Francesco Tassinari, Shira Yochelis, Oded Millo, Lech Tomasz Baczewski, Yossi Paltiel*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Scopus citations


The spin–spin interactions between chiral molecules and ferromagnetic metals were found to be strongly affected by the chiral induced spin selectivity effect. Previous works unraveled two complementary phenomena: magnetization reorientation of ferromagnetic thin film upon adsorption of chiral molecules and different interaction rate of opposite enantiomers with a magnetic substrate. These phenomena were all observed when the easy axis of the ferromagnet was out of plane. In this work, the effects of the ferromagnetic easy axis direction, on both the chiral molecular monolayer tilt angle and the magnetization reorientation of the magnetic substrate, are studied using magnetic force microscopy. We have also studied the effect of an applied external magnetic field during the adsorption process. Our results show a clear correlation between the ferromagnetic layer easy axis direction and the tilt angle of the bonded molecules. This tilt angle was found to be larger for an in plane easy axis as compared to an out of plane easy axis. Adsorption under external magnetic field shows that magnetization reorientation occurs also after the adsorption event. These findings show that the interaction between chiral molecules and ferromagnetic layers stabilizes the magnetic reorientation, even after the adsorption, and strongly depends on the anisotropy of the magnetic substrate. This unique behavior is important for developing enantiomer separation techniques using magnetic substrates.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6036
Issue number24
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • chiral induced spin selectivity effect
  • enantioselective adsorption
  • magnetic anisotropy
  • magnetic thin films
  • self-assembled monolayer


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