Corrigendum to The role of oxytocin in implicit personal space regulation: An fMRI study [Psychoneuroendocrinology 91 (2018) 206–215] (Psychoneuroendocrinology (2018) 91 (206–215), (S0306453017313136), (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.02.036))

Daniela Cohen, Anat Perry, Naama Mayseless, Oded Kleinmintz, Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret < We have recently discovered a minor typo coding problem, in the explanation of the coding process (section 2.6 behavioralanalysis). for some reason, the coding got mixed up, and where there is a 0 it is supposed to be a 1 and vice versa. It should be written that preference for a closer space was scored as 0 (and not 1 as written) and preference for a larger distance should be written 1 (and not 0 as written). so the paragraph should be written as follow: we checked the data, and there is not confusion there, its just in the typying of the coding. Responses were coded 0 or 1 in the following manner. Preferences for a room with a closer space between the objects were scored 0, while preferences for larger distances were scored 1. Scores were averaged across blocks that were the same (social blocks compared to non-social blocks), yielding one score for the social blocks and one score for the non-social blocks for each treatment session. we will be glad to correct this error so the graph would make more sense. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105608
StatePublished - Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd


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