Covariances of fission-integral measurements at the NBS 252Cf and ISNF facilities and at the ORNL-PCA facility

J.J. Wagschal, R.E. Maerker, D.M. Gilliam

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


An analysis is given of uncertainties in fission reaction rate ratio measurements in the NBS standard neutron fields. These are of interest to those involved in fast reactor cross-sections, LWR pressure vessel surveillance dosimetry, and similar measurements in the Oak Ridge Pool Critical Assembly. The new, more detailed analysis leads to lower standard deviations than were reported previously. It also indicates correlations between measurements and could serve as a guide for future documentation of experiments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDosimetry Methods for Fuels, Cladding and Structural Materials. Proceedings of the Third ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (EUR 6813 EN-FR
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
Pages683 - 92
StatePublished - 1980

Bibliographical note

fission-integral measurement;fission reaction rate ratio;NBS standard neutron fields;fast reactor cross-sections;LWR pressure vessel surveillance dosimetry;Pool Critical Assembly;standard deviations;correlations;covariance;<sup>252</sup>Cf neutron source;


  • dosimetry
  • fission reactor safety
  • fission reactor theory and design
  • measurement errors


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