Desensitization of substance P-induced K+ release in rat parotid

Zeev Y. Friedman, Uri Wormser, Eli Rubini, Michael Chorev, Chaim Gilon, Zvi Selinger*

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4 Scopus citations


Challenge of rat parotid slices with substance P or its analogs, at concentrations which cause less than maximal response resulted in the transient release of K+ into the medium. Reuptake of the released K+ into the cell was accompanied by a parallel decrease in the biologically active concentration of the peptide in the medium, indicating that at low concentrations inactivation of the peptide is a mechanism for termination of the substance P response. At concentrations of substance P and its analogs which are higher than needed for a maximal response, a second mechanism for the termination of the response enters into play, resulting in desensitization of the response to substance P. Desensitization was specific for substance P and was not influenced by activation of the cholinergic or α-adrenoceptors. Inactivation of the peptide by proteolytic breakdown does not take part in the development of desensitization to substance P.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-328
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean Journal of Pharmacology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 19 Nov 1985


  • Desensitization
  • K release
  • Rat parotid
  • Substance P


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