Design strategy of minipig molars using electronic speckle pattern interferometry: Comparison of deformation under load between the tooth-mandible complex and the isolated tooth

Netta Lev Tow Chattah, Ron Shahar, Steve Weiner

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29 Scopus citations


The design strategy of minipig molars using electronic speckle pattern interferometry through comparison of deformation under load between the tooth-mandible complex and the isolated tooth was studied. The experiment measured the mechanical behavior of whole teeth using strain gauges/extensometers to measure local displacements and strains. The study used the ESPI to map the displacement of whole molars loaded in two distinct regimes. Healthy minipigs' tooth were coated with a thin coat of white spray, a common procedure in optical testing. After testing, the section was extracted from its holder and the bone was carefully removed from the root using a water-cooled dental drill. The study showed that the minipig molar is capable of deforming and rotating at low loads, and that the intrinsic reaction of the crown to eccentric loading is complemented and even enhanced by the structures supporting the teeth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)413-418
Number of pages6
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number4
StatePublished - 26 Jan 2009


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