Differences in characteristics of ethacrynic acid accumulation in kidney cortex, medulla and papilla

Yehuda Gutman*, Hanna Wald, Walter Czazkes

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6 Scopus citations


Ethacrynic acid (EA) accumulation in vitro by slices of rat kidney cortex, medulla and papilla was studied. Slice/medium (S/M) concentration ratio increased during incubation, approaching saturation after 150 min. S/M in slices from cortex reached 12 while in medullary and papillary slices it did not exceed 2. Increasing EA concentration in the medium from 10-7 to 5 × 10-3 M decreased the S/M in cortical slices from 12 to 2 while no significant effect was observed in slices of medulla or papilla. EA accumulation by cortical slices was drastically reduced in the absence of sodium in the medium, while no change in EA accumulation occurred in slices of medulla or papilla. In potassium-free media, EA accumulation was slightly but significantly reduced in cortical slices but no effect was observed on EA concentration in medullary or cortical slices. Probenecid reduced S/M of EA in cortical but not in medullary or papillary slices. N-ethylmaleimide reduced EA accumulation in slices of kidney cortex but not of medulla or papilla. These data suggest that EA accumulation in kidney cortex is through the organic acid transport process and differs from the mechanism of accumulation in medulla or papilla. Anoxia and elevation of pH to 8.5 reduced EA accumulation in slices from all three regions of the kidney.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)775-778
Number of pages4
JournalBiochemical Pharmacology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Apr 1975


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