Disruption of the development of cholinergic-induced translocation/ activation of PKC isoforms after prenatal heroin exposure

Rabab Huleihel, Joseph Yanai*

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8 Scopus citations


Prenatal exposure of mice to heroin resulted in behavioral deficits present at adulthood, and related to septohippocampal cholinergic innervation accompanied by both pre- and postsynaptic cholinergic hyperactivity; including an increase in membrane PKC activity, and a desensitization of PKC to cholinergic input, which correlated highly with the behavioral performance, and was reversed by cholinergic grafting. The effect was shown in the behaviorally relevant PKCγ and β whereas the less behaviorally relevant PKCα isoform was not affected. The present study was designed to establish the effect of heroin exposure on the expression of the PKC isoforms level and on the more functionally relevant cholinergic translocation/activation of the isoforms throughout postnatal development. The hippocampi of mice pups, exposed to heroin transplacentally, were assayed after incubation with carbachol for PKC isoforms on postnatal days (PN) 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 50. Prenatal heroin exposure increased basal PKCγ, β and α levels. PKCγ and α levels returned to control levels on PN50. While in PKCβ, this increase lasted until PN50. Translocation/activation of the PKC isoforms γ and β by cholinergic receptor stimulation was present from PN1, concurrent with the presence of the isoforms. Prenatal exposure to heroin completely abolished the translocation/activation throughout the entire postnatal development. This defect was shown from the very beginning, PN1, the day when the PKC isoforms appear. The results suggest that the PKCγ and β isoforms are functional concurrent with their developmental appearance. Unlike findings on some other teratogens, the prenatal heroin effect on the isoforms function is similar throughout postnatal development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)174-181
Number of pages8
JournalBrain Research Bulletin
Issue number2
StatePublished - 31 Mar 2006


  • Heroin
  • Hippocampal cholinergic innervation
  • Mice
  • PKC
  • Prenatal exposure


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