Dissociative electron transfer, substitution, and borderline mechanisms in reactions of ketyl radical anions. Differences and difficulties in their reaction paths

Sason Shaik*, David Danovic, G. Narahari Sastry, Philippe Y. Ayala, H. Bernhard Schlegel

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Computational studies on ketyl anion radicals with methyl chloride and on ω-chloroalkanal radical anions, Cl(CH2)(n)C(H)O-. (n = 2, 3), find competing mechanisms: a dissociative electron transfer (ET) mechanism and a substitution (SUB(C)) mechanism lending to a C-alkylation product. H(CN)C=O-./CH3Cl proceeds unequivocally via the SUB(C) mechanism, and ω-chloroalkanal radical anions proceed by the ET mechanism, but the interpretation of the mechanism for H2C-O-./CH3Cl depends on the coordinate system used to explore the path. The steepest descent path in Z-matrix internal coordinates leads to the ET product at both the ROHF/6-31G* and UHF/6-31G* levels. The mass-weighted path leads to the ET product on the restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock (ROHF) surface but to the SUB(C) product on the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) surface. A valley-ridge inflection point heading in the direction of ET products was located on the mass-weighted UHF path, indicating that the potential energy surface branches toward ET products. Closer examination of the two-dimensional portion of the surface shows that the potential energy surface for this reaction descends from the transition state to a broad saddle point region and branches into two valleys: one leading to the ET product and the other to the SUB(C) product. The ridge and saddle point region on the UHF surface are at lower energy and longer C-C and C-CL bond lengths than on the ROHF surface, allowing the UHF mass-weighted reaction path to traverse the ridge into the SUB(C) valley. On the ROHF surface as the path descends from the transition state, the H2C=O-. moiety continues to approach the methyl chloride while the C-Cl bond lengthens, but then recoils to give the ET products. Cross-sections of the surface calculated at the UQCISD(T)/6-31G* level resemble the UHF cross-sections, indicating that the branching of the potential surface into two mechanisms is expected at this level, too. Thus, whereas from inspection of the surface in internal coordinates, the OCH2C-CH3-Cl- transition state connects to the ET product, the mass-weighted path can cross the broad and shallow ridge and bifurcate thereafter to ET and SUB(C) products. Our study reveals a scenario where a group of isostructural transition states define a mechanistic family consisting of substitution, electron transfer, and borderline situations. Molecular dynamics studies may be necessary to explore the borderline situations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9237-9245
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number39
StatePublished - 1 Oct 1997


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