Diurnal resting behavior of adult Culex pipiens in an arid habitat in Israel and possible control measurements with toxic sugar baits

Yosef Schlein, Günter C. Müller*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


The distribution of resting Culex pipiens s.l., L. in vegetation at the margins of breeding sites and the effects of a narrow, surrounding, sprayed belt of sugar, food dye and toxin on adult mosquitoes were studied near two pairs of control and experimental sewage ponds close to human habitation in the Judean hills. Control belts were without toxin. A sprayed belt of sugar and toxin 0.5. m from the water gradually reduced the population to an average of 38.3 mosquitoes per trap, 7.6% of the highest catch, which was 504.6 mosquitoes per trap in the control site. In the second experiment, in which bait belts were 5. m from the water, the toxic bait spraying was followed by a rise in catches from 207.9 to 274.9 mosquitoes. This was 41% of the 670.2 mosquitoes per trap in the parallel control site. In areas without toxin treatment, diurnal catches by net amounted to 20,705 mosquitoes. Of these, 86.1% (17,825) were caught within 1. m of the water while only 8.2% (1701) were caught at a distance of 3. m. The remainders were caught up to 20. m away. Parity status was determined for female samples caught by net. In areas without toxin, parous females accounted for 37% of the catch and 13.2% were young, meconium containing specimens. The population diminished following spraying of toxic bait 1. m from the water and included 13% parous females and 17.6% had meconium in the gut.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)48-53
Number of pages6
JournalActa Tropica
Issue number1
StatePublished - Oct 2012


  • Arid habitat
  • ATSB
  • Attractive toxic sugar baits
  • Control
  • Cx. pipiens
  • Israel
  • Resting sites
  • Sugar feeding


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