DNA methylation in eukaryotic cells

A. Razin, H. Cedar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Scopus citations


For the last two decades the phenomenon of DNA modification has been extensively explored. For many years the lack of appropriate techniques allowed only the detection and quantitation of methylated bases in DNA. Although a substantial body of information accumulated with regard to the overall content of methyl groups and their distribution along the chromosomes, its contribution to the understanding of the DNA methylation phenomenon has been very limited. The use of restriction enzymes and recombinant DNA technology has led to significant progress in the understanding of both the metabolism and function of DNA methylation. During the last couple of years several hundred papers have been published in the field of DNA methylation and many reviews summarize this vast literature. This review focuses primarily on DNA methylation in the eukaryotic cell. The establishment of a methylation pattern, its clonal inheritance, and possible biological functions will be dealt with in detail.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159-185
Number of pages27
JournalInternational Review of Cytology
VolumeVOL. 92
StatePublished - 1984


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