Double-blind trial of a high dietary fiber, mixed grain cereal in patients with chronic constipation and hyperlipidemia

HS S. Odes*, H. Lazovski, I. Stern, Z. Madar

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18 Scopus citations


A high dietary fiber breakfast cereal (DisivitTM), prepared from oats, corn, wheat and soybean, was tested for its therapeutic efficacy in patients suffering from constipation and hyperlipidemia. In a double-blind, cross-over trial, a daily dose of 50 grams DisivitTM cereal, containing 12.5 grams dietary fiber, was administered to 20 constipated patients for 2 weeks, and to 20 hyperlipidemic patients for 4 weeks. The high fiber cereal was alternated with a low fiber placebo given for a similar time period; fiber and placebo were given in random order. In the constipated patients taking fiber cereal, bowel movement frequency and stool consistency improved significantly and laxative intake was reduced. In the hyperlipidemic patients taking fiber, the serum cholesterol dropped significantly (but also during placebo treatment), the serum triglycerides dropped (but without attaining statistical significance) and the HDL and LDL levels were not altered. In summary, the fiber cereal appears to be a suitable short-term treatment for constipation, although its long-term efficacy requires further study. Regarding hyperlipidemia, the trend of the cereal to lower the serum cholesterol and triglycerides warrants further study, by adding more soluble fiber to the cereal formula or using a longer treatment period.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)979-985
Number of pages7
JournalNutrition Research
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 1993


  • constipation
  • dietary fiber
  • hyperlipidemia


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