Effect of lateral repulsion on desorption and diffusion kinetics SHG experiments and MC simulations

Zhao Wei, R. Verhoef, M. Asscher*, I. Farbman, A. Ben-Shaul

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6 Scopus citations


Activation energies for desorption and for diffusion were experimentally determined as a function of surface coverage for the system of ammonia on Re(001) utilizing optical second harmonic generation techniques. For the first time coverage grating with up to 5th order SH-diffraction is reported for K atoms on Re(001). Preliminary diffusion measurements were performed on this system as well. These systems may be considered as ideal model to study the effect of very strong lateral repulsion on the kinetics of desorption and diffusion. A MC study on the ammonia-Re(001) system is presented, which examines the significance of long range repulsive dipole-dipole interactions on the outcome desorption and diffusion kinetics. We found that a single set of parameters, within the dipole-dipole like (1/r 3 ) dependence on adsorbates separation distance, explains qualitatively and in certain cases quantitatively the experimental observations. Interaction range up to 4th order neighbors must be computed in order to properly account for the results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)80-89
Number of pages10
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - Oct 1996


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