Effects of intermediate deformation and thermal processing in the opit process upon critical current density of ag/bissco tapes

Vladimir Beilin*, Alexander Goldgirsh, Emanuel Yashchin, Michael Roth, Michael Schieber

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Critical current density, Jc, of Ag/Bi(Pb)SCCO tapes in as-deformed and as-sintered states were studied at different stages of tape processing. Intermediate pressing and rolling result in significant lc degradation. Non-zero I, remains after the applications of pressing load up to 11 and SGPa following the third and first sintering, respectively. Under rolling conditions Ic remains non-zero up to maximum tape thickness reduction of 20%. Bending tests show that Ic reduction is the result of deformation-induced micro-crack formation which are easily healed during the first hour of the next sintering. Intermediate deformation after the first sintering cycle has been shown to accelerate significantly the 2Z12 to 2223 phase transformation during the first hours of the second sintering step. Ic growth during the first hour of the second sintering cycle is not connected with that phase transformation and is presumed to be the result of pinning ability and structure connectivity enhancement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2593-2596
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number2 PART 2
StatePublished - 1999


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