Effects of surgery and other experimental factors on the evaluation of middle ear function in gekkonoid lizards

Yehudah L. Werner*, Petar G. Igić, James C. Saunders

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5 Scopus citations


This study examines three artificial factors likely to cause variation between results from different investigations of auditory function, at least in lizards. Controlled tests were performed on gecko lizards, by external laser interferometry of the middle ear transfer function at the tympanic membrane (TM). In conclusion, studies of middle ear function should examine motion both at the insertion of the columella-extracolumella shaft onto the TM, and at the tip of the extracolumellar pars inferior, because the internal proportions and function of the extracolumellar lever vary among species. At least in scansorial geckos, auditory experiments may be conducted with the animal on its back, as this posture introduces no acoustic artifacts. Positioning the subject on its belly, with the throat resting on the substrate, imposes small but significant artifacts on middle ear function. Similar artifacts occur with the belly up but the throat loaded with a modeling clay plate. The surgical fenestration of the ventral throat wall, common in auditory studies on lizards, causes (at least in Eublepharis) artificial enhancement of sensitivity at low frequencies and erratic responses at high frequencies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-30
Number of pages9
JournalHearing Research
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 2001


  • Gecko
  • Lizard
  • Method
  • Middle ear function
  • Posture
  • Surgery


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