Emergence of template-and-sequence-directed (TSD) syntheses: II. A computer simulation model

Shlomo Nir*, Noam Lahav

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The initiation of the bio-geochemical scenario described in Part I serves in the present work as the basis for computer modeling, where the central process of the simulation algorithm, i.e., peptide-catalyzed oligomeric growth, is based on mass action equations. The computer model starts with a minimal system in which catalyzed growth processes of proto-RNA templates and small peptides take place, starting from their building blocks. The emerging populations of random oligomers also include a very small fraction of proto-tRNAs and a small fraction of catalytic peptides. Using simplifying assumptions regarding catalyzed proto-RNA template-replication, as well as selectivity of certain molecules and processes, the proportion of proto-tRNA in the proto-RNA molecular population increases rapidly; it is followed by TSD peptide synthesis, based on an ad hoc genetic code and specific peptide catalysts allocated for this synthesis. Consequently, a feedback system is initiated in which TSD peptides involved in the relevant catalytic reactions of the TSD syntheses also start to accumulate. The initial sporadic formation of TSD peptides is thus replaced gradually by cycles of positive feedback and autocatalysis characterized by accumulation of catalytic peptides and Proto-tRNAs and TSD-Reaction-Takeover. The model system which can be considered a 'toy model' can synthesize its templates and catalysts under a wide range of reaction parameters and initial concentrations, thus demonstrating a robustness which is essential for molecular evolution processes. The critical stage of the buildup of a molecular mechanism for the initiation of a minimal TSD reaction cycle has thus been described; because of the centrality of TSD reaction cycles in biology, it is assumed to be central also in the origin of life processes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)567-584
Number of pages18
JournalOrigins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - 1997


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