Engineering In Situ Weldable Vascular Devices

Daniel Cohn*, Fany Widlan, Matt Zarek, Ziv Peselev, Allan Isaac Bloom*

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(1) Background: The minimally invasive implantation of medical devices is largely limited by their insertion profile, and, therefore, minimizing them constitutes a leading trend in the field. (2) Methods: This study introduces the in situ welding strategy, whereby the components of the stent grafts used to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms were decoupled, deployed sequentially, and welded together at the aneurysmal site, greatly reducing their insertion profile. Polyurethane elastomers were used to produce the graft and to coat the metallic struts of the stent to render it in vivo weldable. Results: The composition of the polyurethanes was fine-tuned, so to minimize the insertion profiles and optimize the welding properties and the clinical performance of the devices assembled. The stent and graft were deployed successively in pigs via a small 8F introducer, in situ welded, and the patency of the bi-component device was confirmed over a three-month post-implantation period. The strength of the stent/graft welded connection was fully retained, with no de-welding observed. Conclusions: The in situ welding strategy resulted in implantations that were easier to perform and markedly less injurious to tissues and organs, largely expanding the applicability of these ultra-minimally invasive procedures to especially frail segments of the population.

Original languageEnglish
Article number221
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 by the authors.


  • abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • in situ welding
  • polyurethane
  • stent graft


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