Exercise in the menopause - An update

A. Pines*, E. M. Berry

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


One of the most important components of lifestyle relates to physical activity. Sedentary people fare less well than those who exercise regularly. The benefits of exercise can be demonstrated in many organs of the body. The most frequently studied effect of exercise is reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, but positive effects on the musculoskeletal system, breast cancer, mood and cognition, and quality of life have been recorded as well. In many cases, a dose-response was evident, and even a mild to moderate degree of activity, performed only a few times weekly, may carry significant merits. The following article reviews this topic and brings updated information on the benefits of exercise on postmenopausal health.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-46
Number of pages5
Issue numberSUPPL. 2
StatePublished - Oct 2007


  • Exercise
  • Menopause


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