Experimental autoimmune anemia induced with haptenated syngeneic mouse red blood cells and low dose X-irradiation

R. Sharon, H. Giloh, D. Naor

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2 Scopus citations


This paper describes an experimental model of autoimmune anemia induced with haptenated syngeneic mouse red blood cells (MRBC). A strain mice immunized with penicillinated MRBC (PEN-MRBC) generated IgM anti-MRBC autoantibody response and a very low level of the corresponding IgG response. The IgG anti-MRBC autoantibody response was augmented when mice were X-irradiated (250 rad) prior to immunization with PEN-MRBC, suggesting that a radiosensitive suppressive mechanism controls the IgG autoantibody response. Both the IgM and IgG secondary anti-MRBC autoantibody responses emerged in mice that had been injected with PEN-MRBC 2 months before a second PEN-MRBC injection. Low dose X-irradiation (250 rad) of A mice without subsequent immunization induced an early IgG anti-MRBC autoantibody response and late IgM response, suggesting the existence of antierythrocyte autoreactivity in normal animals which is controlled by a radiosensitive suppressor mechanism. The anti-MRBC autoantibody response was not only induced by PEN-MRBC. Multiple injections of A mice with trinitrophenylated MRBC also induced autoantibodies against erythrocytes. The IgG anti-MRBC autoantibody response was associated with anemia, but it is not yet known if the two events are related or independent. Autoantibodies of X-irradiated mice immunized with PEN-MRBC were linearly titrated and partially absorbed with MRBC. Less efficient absorption was achieved with human and sheep red blood cells. Fifty percent of splenocytes from X-irradiated mice injected with PEN-MRBC expressed IL-2 receptor 3 days after the injection, whereas the number of cells expressing this receptor earlier or later was significantly less. The various applications of this autoimmune model are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)310-322
Number of pages13
JournalClinical Immunology and Immunopathology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes


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