Fluoride glasses as optimized materials for lanthanide luminescence and energy storage in manganese(II)

Christian K. Jørgensen*, Renata Reisfeld, Marek Eyal

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5 Scopus citations


Fluoride glasses of basic composition of 55.75ZrF4:33.75BaF2:4.5LaF3: 4AlF3 (ZBLA) and 27.5ThF4:27ZnF2:27YF3:9BaF2:6ZrF4:5NaF:3LiF reveal luminescence of 8 J levels of holmium(III) and 3 J levels of neodymium(III). The multiphonon relaxation in these glasses is very low and quantum efficiencies high because of the large number of phonons per energy gap between the emitting to lower levels. The simultaneous presence of manganese(II) allows the lowest quartet state of manganese(II) (showing a lifetime of 14 ms in the absence of lanthanides) to store energy which may be considered as an important property for laser material. Energy transfer from 1 mol.% MnF2 to 1 mol.% NdF3 in ZBLA glass was observed as manifested by an increase in the lifetime of neodymium(III) from 0.34 ms to 1.45 ms accompanied by a decrease in the lifetime of manganese(II). The specific properties of fluoride glass may be related to the very high energy of the electron transfer bands and the relatively weak nephelauxetic effect.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-186
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the Less-Common Metals
Issue numberC
StatePublished - Dec 1986


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