Focused ion beam-SEM 3D study of osteodentin in the teeth of the Atlantic wolfish Anarhichas lupus

Senthil Thangadurai, Marta Majkut, Joshua Milgram, Paul Zaslansky, Ron Shahar*, Emeline Raguin

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2 Scopus citations


The palette of mineralized tissues in fish is wide, and this is particularly apparent in fish dentin. While the teeth of all vertebrates except fish contain a single dentinal tissue type, called orthodentin, dentin in the teeth of fish can be one of several different tissue types. The most common dentin type in fish is orthodentin. Orthodentin is characterized by several key structural features that are fundamentally different from those of bone and from those of osteodentin. Osteodentin, the second-most common dentin type in fish (based on the tiny fraction of fish species out of ∼30,000 extant fish species in which tooth structure was so far studied), is found in most Selachians (sharks and rays) as well as in several teleost species, and is structurally different from orthodentin. Here we examine the hypothesis that osteodentin is similar to anosteocytic bone tissue in terms of its micro- and nano-structure. We use Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB/SEM), as well as several other high-resolution imaging techniques, to characterize the 3D architecture of the three main components of osteodentin (denteons, inter-denteonal matrix, and the transition zone between them). We show that the matrix of osteodentin, although acellular, is extremely similar to mammalian osteonal bone matrix, both in general morphology and in the three-dimensional nano-arrangement of its mineralized collagen fibrils. We also document the presence of a complex network of nano-channels, similar to such networks recently described in bone. Finally, we document the presence of strings of hyper-mineralized small ‘pearls’ which surround the denteonal canals, and characterize their structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108062
JournalJournal of Structural Biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Inc.


  • Bone material
  • Dentin
  • Nanochannels
  • Osteodentin


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