Formation of Eastern Boundary Undercurrents via Mesoscale Eddy Rectification

Andrew L. Stewart*, Yan Wang, Aviv Solodoch, Ru Chen, James C. McWilliams

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2 Scopus citations


Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) host equatorward wind-driven near-surface currents overly-ing poleward subsurface undercurrents. Various previous theories for these undercurrents have emphasized the role of poleward alongshore pressure gradient forces (APFs). Energetic mesoscale variability may also serve to accelerate undercurrents via mesoscale stirring of the potential vorticity gradient imposed by the continental slope. However, it remains unclear whether this eddy rectification mechanism contributes substantially to driving poleward undercurrents in EBUS. This study isolates the influence of eddy rectification on undercurrents via a suite of idealized simulations forced either by along-shore winds, with or without an APF, or by randomly generated mesoscale eddies. It is found that the simulations develop undercurrents with strengths comparable to those found in nature in both wind-forced and randomly forced experiments. Analysis of the momentum budget reveals that the along-isobath undercurrent flow is accelerated by isopycnal advective eddy momentum fluxes and the APF and retarded by frictional drag. The undercurrent acceleration may manifest as eddy momentum fluxes or as topographic form stress depending on the coordinate system used to compute the momentum bud-get, which reconciles these findings with previous work that linked eddy acceleration of the undercurrent to topographic form stress. The leading-order momentum balance motivates a scaling for the strength of the undercurrent that explains most of the variance across the simulations. These findings indicate that eddy rectification is of comparable importance to the APF in driving poleward undercurrents in EBUSs and motivate further work to diagnose this effect in high-resolution models and observations and to parameterize it in coarse-resolution ocean/climate models.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1765-1785
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Physical Oceanography
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 American Meteorological Society.


  • Boundary currents
  • Currents
  • Eddies
  • Idealized models
  • Isopycnal coordinates
  • Ocean


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