An optical device includes a first waveguide having a longitudinal axis and a first end facet inclined at a non-normal angle to the longitudinal axis, and a second waveguide, which has a second end facet and is fixed with the second end facet in proximity to and parallel with the first end facet. An actuator is coupled to move the first end facet of the first waveguide in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis between a first position in which a distance between the first and second end facets is less than 25 nm, and a second position in which the distance between the first and second end facets is greater than 300 nm.
Original language | American English |
Patent number | US2019353848 |
IPC | G02B 6/ 122 A I |
Priority date | 16/05/18 |
State | Published - 21 Nov 2019 |